Adam Smith Institute

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A Course on Integrating Economics and Philosophy

In May, our friends at the Objective Standard Institute will be running a course on how to integrate the free market economic ideas of Henry Hazlitt with Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. Hosted by economics professor Raymond Niles, the course will teach:

  • Why production and trade are fundamentally driven by reason and self-interest—and why grasping this principle is essential to making the moral case for capitalism;

  • How supply and demand jointly determine market prices, and why establishing and maintaining freedom for this “pricing mechanism” to work is in everyone’s self-interest;

  • Why coercive policies, such as wage controls and tariffs, harm all parties involved—employers and employees, job-holders and job-seekers, businesses and customers, exporters and importers;

  • What free-market banking is, why it is in everyone’s self-interest, and why government intervention in banking is morally and economically disastrous;

  • Why free markets result in better and safer health care, food, travel, education, etc.

If you want the most powerful tool in the world for advancing freedom and capitalism, this course is for you. By integrating the principles of economics with those of Objectivism, you will equip yourself to think, write, and speak in support of freedom with greater confidence and efficacy.

Full scholarships are available to students and under-30s. Full or partial scholarships may also be awarded to those with financial difficulties. To apply for the course and submit a scholarship application, just follow this link.