Adam Smith Institute

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Boris' idea has merit even if the plan needs work

We are indeed believers in us all enjoying less government than we currently suffer under. Thus this idea of Boris’ has merit, even if the detailed plan of action needs some work:

Boris Johnson is considering proposals to shrink the size of the Cabinet after key backers urged him to slim down the Government if he becomes prime minister.

Mr Johnson has already voiced a desire to merge the Department for International Development and the Foreign Office, but supporters are encouraging him to go further by reviewing the future of seven or more other departments to save billions of pounds.

The departments for Justice, Business, Culture, International Trade, Work and Pensions, Transport, and Brexit could all be abolished or merged with other departments under plans being championed by members of Mr Johnson’s team.

Shuffling who does the paperwork doesn’t change what nor the amount of what government does. Therefore refining the bureaucracy doesn’t alleviate the taxpayer burden of government. What is needed is to stop government actually doing something.

To take an absurd and not to be taken seriously example, saving the cost of the embassy in Ulan Bator requires closing the embassy in Ulan Bator. Not shuffling responsibility of it either to or from, even between, the aid and foreign departments.

Thus, close down things, not change how they are administered. We would, of course, be delighted to help in identifying those things which central government should no longer do. We’d perhaps start with the departments of education, trade, agriculture and rural affairs and we can all note that the Brexit department will soon enough be redundant.

Time to revive one of our older ideas. Through those mists of time we can’t quite recall whether the offer was a Viscountcy or an Earldom but a serious and significant hereditary title at least. For each and every Cabinet Minister who agreed that, upon taking office, their job was to close down their department. The title being granted only once they’d succeeded of course, made certain there was no possibility of a second such title ever arising. After all, why not, gongs are cheap, the benefits would be large….