Adam Smith Institute

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If dengue is becoming endemic then why are we building mosquito farms?

A slightly worrying report:

Rising temperatures mean that nearly half the world’s population may now be at risk of dengue infection, new modelling forecasts.

Analysis from Airfinity, a science data analyst company, shows that the incidence of dengue has already increased by at least 30-fold over the past 50 years.

Half a million cases were reported to the WHO in 2000, rising to 5.2 million in 2019, with the true number of annual infections now estimated to be up to 96 million.

Once specific to small pockets of Asia, the disease is now considered endemic in more than 100 countries globally and its geographical reach is continuing to spread, according to the WHO.

If this is true then why is it that British government policy is to increase the number of swamps in hte country? The Somerset Levels are to be returned to that ague ridden swamp it was before drainage, beavers are being reintroduced to create swamps - even in the middle of London.

We all know how to limit the spread of mosquito bourne diseases, have fewer mosquitoes around. Do as is done in places like Singapore, make absolutely certain there’s no standing water for them to breed in. So why is it that government policy is to create swamps by the hundreds of square miles in this green and pleasant land?

Is it just that government is incompetent or is there really a plot to murder us all in our beds? And, umm, shouldn’t we find out?