Adam Smith Institute

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Adam Smith's house


panmurehouse2.jpg The proposed sale of Adam Smith's house in Edinburgh, where he spent the last twelve years of his life, has sparked international interest. The house is currently owned by the local authority, who didn't even bother to mention the connection with the great economist in their sale particulars. But it has been widely noticed by fans of the author of The Wealth of Nations.

Clearly, it would be a shame if the building, Panmure House, was broken up into apartments, used as an office, or put to some other use that did not recognize the Smith connection and allow the public some access so they could feel a part of Smith's life and work. Now, fortunately, there is a campaign to make sure that is exactly what happens. The Panmure House Project wants to make sure that the house goes to a body that is involved in history, policy, research, or education that will treat the house sensitively and uphold the spirit of its Adam Smith heritage.

The project was originally established by a number of economists living in Edinburgh, but now it seems to have attracted a much wider following. All power to them.