Adam Smith Institute

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Blog Review 551


The Freedom of Speech apparently nowadays means the freedom to say what the government approves of. Further details here: that enlightenment thing, so old hat, don't you think?

Freedom of information appears to be suffering similarly. 

Another example of an old economic favourite: how much is your time worth? 

As with this morning's blog: biofuels simply don't work. 

Although this rather wonderful idea actually might work: attatching a kite to a ship. 

Yes, we know, you've been waiting for the update on the Ban Darling campaign. Further sightings, a competition winner and this rather stirring song to sing (tune: Wild Rover):

I've been your new Chancellor for not quite a year
But I've taxed all your money from whiskey and beer,
And now in the coffers there's no gold in store
And I never will pay off the lenders no more.

And finally, the weather has been declared Muslim.