Adam Smith Institute

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Calling all Oxford Graduates!


The General Election might be over, but there's another important one going on. This is the election to the chair of Oxford Professor of Poetry, chosen by a vote of Oxford graduates and current academics. If you qualify, you must register to vote by noon on Friday June 4th. Best do it NOW!

The website giving instructions on how to do this is at:

Why is this important? It has been a controversial post at times – last year it was marred by a "dirty tricks" campaign of scurrilous accusations. This year, however, ROGER LEWIS, the author and biographer, is standing "to lead a rebellion against sour academics."

Roger Lewis has written widely acclaimed biographies of Peter Sellers, Laurence Olivier, Orson Welles, and Anthony Burgess. He also wrote the very funny "Seasonal Suicide Notes," which illustrates the impish side of his otherwise scholarly self. He is a decidedly non-establishment candidate, standing to blow away the cobwebs with a breath of refreshing clean, cold air.

He has been a friend of the ASI over many years, is decidedly liberal (small "l") and has attended several of our functions, so we are happy to publicize his bid. Stephen Fry has endorsed him wholeheartledly.

"Brilliant… quite brilliant. For the first time ever I’m almost wishing I was an Oxonian so I could vote for you… The “ticket” on which you are campaigning is one that should unite anyone who cares for literature, art, honour, humour, delight - all the proper virtues. Such a position is ... liberal and liberating, kind, wise, funny and alive to all the dark, strange, ludic and improbable glories that poems (and especially poets) should embody."

Roger Lewis deserves support. If you are an Oxford graduate or academic, you must register by noon on Friday, and then have a further 12 days before voting closes. Register NOW...