Adam Smith Institute

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In the Realtime Worlds


The Herald Scotland reports that several successful Scottish computer game companies are thinking of moving to Ireland, tempted by the available tax breaks. This includes the maker of the much anticipated online role-playing game All Point Bulletin by Realtime Worlds.

As the Herald reports:

Colin Macdonald, studio manager of Realtime Worlds, the Dundee venture which employs 300 people and which has created globally renowned games such as Lemmings and Grand Theft Auto, said that the Irish overtures were enticing. “If the package on offer in Ireland was attractive we’d have to give it serious consideration," he said. “Dundee is a great place to be based, one of the main hubs for computer games in Britain, but at the end of the day we’ve got to look after our bottom line."

It will be interesting to see if these companies take up the offer from Ireland. The UK has proved a successful site for the game industry, but it remains to be seen for how long this will the case.