Adam Smith Institute

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Philip Salter joins the ASI


philip_pic.jpgPhilip studied BA History from UCL, focusing upon the history of political thought, specifically the British radical Enlightenment. In the process, he read and wrote more on Thomas Hobbes than is probably healthy in one lifetime. It is at university that his interests in politics blossomed, leading him to go on to study MSc International Relations at the LSE. Here he concentrated his learning and research around questions of state sovereignty and the European Union as a political actor.

Throughout his studies he worked in a number of jobs of various repute in an attempt to avoid a lifetime of student loan induced debt, the most superficially glamorous including cocktail waiter and tennis coach. Upon completion of his studies he undertook a couple of internships, one with the Shadow Defence Secretary, Dr. Liam Fox, the other with a small business consultancy; both interesting and challenging in a different ways.

In both his studies and work experience Philip has picked up a considerable amount of intellectual fodder and practical experience. His interests include most sports (particularly tennis and football), while to relax he cooks, his speciality dish being couscous with roasted vegetables. Firmly behind the libertarian principles of the ASI, he is looking forward to putting his talents into action in his new role as Business Development Director.