Adam Smith Institute

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Sorry, these Broken Plate people are insane, no, really, they are

As we’ve pointed out before, the very idea behind the Broken Plate idea is, umm, broken. To the point that we’d have to conclude that actual adults seriously proposing this as a method of measurement have lost the plot to the point of requiring some of that care in the community stuff. From the PR email for today’s report:

More healthy foods are over twice as expensive per calorie as less healthy foods”

They are attempting to measure the costs of food by calorie count. They also claim that veggies or salads - say lettuce - are “healthy” foods and that potatoes and or rice are not. Which is how they gain their result that healthy foods are more expensive - per calorie, recall - than unhealthy.

This is insane. Or, as we could also put it, knock our old Granny down with a wet feather. There really was a reason why she placed a balanced meal in front of us. A wodge of calories from some stodge - potatoes, bread, rice, whatever to be recipe and culturally conformant - and some meat, possibly soya, peas, eggs, for the protein and then some veggies or salad to give us the vitamins and micronutrients. Granny also knew that you didn’t get your calories from the lettuce, nor the protein or the vitamins from the tatties. The idea was that the plateful fed across all those major nutrients by also including components from across the food groups.

These people, now, today, are measuring the cost of lettuce by the calorie content. No, really, that is what they’re doing.

At which point we really should be doing some analysis as to who is displaying the insanity. Sure, there are always those wearing tin foil caps somewhere out there. But a healthy society manages to ignore - or tender mercifully to - them instead of taking their claims as a useful basis for government policy.

These people are measuring the price of lettuce by the calorie content. Are they mad for saying it or us for listening?