Adam Smith Institute

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Those special laws will only ever be used in special circumstances, Oh Yes.

It is indeed true that there are at times special circumstances which lead to the need for special laws. There is also that slippery slope to be glissaded down. That second can indeed be a logical fallacy, for it to be true requires that the second and subsequent steps will necessarily follow.

Which, we would argue, is true of those special laws for special times.

Raniere was prosecuted under a law that was previously used to bring down the leaders of mafia organisations. Prosecutors said he maintained relationships with about 20 women who were ordered to lose weight and were not allowed to have sexual relations with anyone else. He was convicted last year on charges that included racketeering, sex trafficking and child pornography.

RICO as indeed involved:

The Indictment charges him with racketeering (or "RICO") conspiracy,

Sex trafficking and and child pornography should be enough to get him off the streets. Those special laws required - sorry, justified - purely to beat the vile machinations of mafiosi intimidation of witnesses and law enforcement……well, there’s our slippery slope. It was indeed said back then that the use of those special laws would expand over time, so it has proven, the use of those special laws has expanded over time.

The answer being let’s not have the special laws.