Adam Smith Institute

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We don't, in fact, care about the producers

On the subject of Spotify we’re told that:

I pay for Spotify, so I am part of the problem. I know that £9.99 a month for access to almost all music, ever, is a steal.

The problem apparently being that the pop stars, the ones producing the songs, aren’t now making country GDP sized incomes from having done so. This is not a problem.

Our aim in having an economy - a civilisation even - is that we, the people out here, consumers get more of whatever it is that we desire. So, the modern music industry is a steal for consumers, that’s the point of it all.

As far as producers are concerned we’re only interested in their incomes in so far as they’re still sufficient for them to continue to produce the item. If they do then they obviously think the deal is fair enough for if they didn’t they’d be off claiming their furlough payments from Starbucks.

All the music of the ages is now available for a pittance? To complain of this is like whingeing about how cheap printing has become allowing all to read as much as they wish. It’s also to miss the point of the system, that our aim is to do this to everything. To, as Marx insisted would happen, use capitalism to conquer the problem of economic scarcity. Only every other sector of the economy to do this to and true communism can finally arrive.