Adam Smith Institute

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Yes, of course, this is purely electioneering, but still

Holding politicians to whatever they declaim at election time is an isometric exercise - a great effort and you get nowhere. After all, politicians don’t hold themselves to what they promise at election time and seem mystified that anyone else would take such declarations seriously.

Even given that this from Lisa Nandy appears somewhat confused:

This would mean that most people have some money in the bank in case something goes wrong, instead of corporations sitting on huge piles of cash.

What corporate cash piles? The more normal criticism is that companies take on debt in order to pay out dividends. That is, the corporate sector has net debt not net cash.

This means taxing wealth at the same rates as income and making sure gains from land, shares and property are properly and fairly taxed.

Wealth is to be taxed at 40 and 45%. Per year? That’s certainly a cat please meet pigeons sort of proposal.

And that so much of the wealth held in this country today is not earned, but gifted, whether through inheritance, house price rises or playing the market.

Playing the market is gifted, is it? Given that no one consistently outperforms that market this is a difficult contention to prove.

At which point there are really only two options. One is that Ms. Nandy just needs a better ghostwriter. The other that she actually believes these things. Neither are great advertisements for her competence.