Adam Smith Institute

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ASI support for Indian immigration covered in The Times and Guardian

Sam Bowman's comments supporting further Indian immigration to the UK were covered in The Times and the Guardian.

The Times reported (twice):

Sam Bowman, executive director of the Adam Smith Institute think tank, said: “A free trade deal with India that also made it easier for skilled Indian workers to come to Britain would be win/win for us, and be a real coup by making the UK the first major economy to strike a deal with India.
“More Indian immigration, especially more skilled immigration, would be great for Britain. India’s IT sector is booming, and making it easier for British firms to hire some of that talent would be a big boost to our own technology companies.”

The Guardian reported:

Sam Bowman, executive director of the Adam Smith Institute, agreed that May ought to be more flexible on migration. “India’s position that a trade deal with Britain must include looser migration controls on Indian migrants is good news for Britain. A free trade deal with India that also made it easier for skilled Indian workers to come to Britain would be win-win for us, and be a real coup by making the UK the first major economy to strike a deal with India,” he said.
Brexit supporters told voters with links to Commonwealth countries that leaving the EU would allow an immigration system that was fairer towards people from their countries. However, if May is to meet her promise of cutting net migration to the tens of thousands, she will need to reduce migration from across the world. Bowman argued that British people were relaxed about skilled workers and students arriving in Britain, and said the cap had become an “albatross hanging around the government’s neck”.