Adam Smith Institute

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Creating a buzz around the Border Force

It was standing room only at the ASI's event 'The Border After Brexit: Securing Britain's borders' with panel guests Charlie Elphicke, MP for Dover, James Kirkup of the Daily Telegraph, and Ed West of the Spectator.

Buzzfeed news reported:

"A Conservative MP has suggested that there would be no border controls between England and an independent Scotland. Speaking to BuzzFeed News on Tuesday after an event on what the UK’s borders would look like once the country leaves the EU, Charlie Elphicke MP said the question of an independent Scotland’s border was “exactly the same” as Northern Ireland’s.
Prime minister Theresa May has previously ruled out the prospect of border checks between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which is inside the EU, saying: “Nobody wants to return to the borders of the past.”
Elphicke was clear that he didn’t expect Scotland to become independent in the near future and that the “best situation” would be for the UK to stay together, but suggested an independent Scotland would get the same treatment as Northern Ireland."