Adam Smith Institute

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Liberal Democrats Manifesto: A jump to the left on economics, says ASI

The Adam Smith Institute has today responded to the Liberal Democrats Manifesto announcement.

The Adam Smith Institute’s Head of Research Matthew Lesh said:

“It is disappointing to see the Liberal Democrats becoming increasingly anti-enterprise, promising punishing taxes, more red tape, and higher state spending. The formally orange book is turning into a tinge of dark red.

"While there is welcome news on refugees and drug liberalisation, focusing on harm reduction not punishment, the Liberal Democrats economic policies will hurt Britain’s prosperity. Increasing corporate taxes, forcing workers on boards, and scrapping permitted development rights that have allowed high streets to thrive with more residents, will make us all poorer.

“Seeking to change the purpose of business away from shareholder value will reduce accountability and empower state regulators -- undermining the dynamic free market that allows the country to deliver world class public services.

“The commitment to tax tech companies and create an impractical payment for data will scare away tech entrepreneurs from setting up shop in the U.K. The Uber-riding, Deliveroo-eating generation will be disappointed proposed rules to discourage the sharing economy and flexible work.”

To arrange an interview or further comment, please contact Matt Kilcoyne via email ( or phone (07904099599).