Adam Smith Institute

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More of the same? ASI comments on the 2022 Queen's Speech

Commenting on the 2022 Queen’s Speech, Head of Communications Emily Fielder said:

Despite pledging to drive “growth and strengthen the economy and ease the cost of living crisis,” the Queen’s Speech announced a raft of meddling pet projects, rather than focusing on measures that can deliver meaningful change. The only growth the Government is achieving is the growth of the state.

It’s one thing to recognise that Britain desperately needs growth—it’s quite another to actually deliver it. Unfortunately, a hodge-podge list of interventions on everything from regulating football to cracking down on protests does not constitute a comprehensive government strategy. Rather than outlining a credible plan to meet its stated objectives, the Government is making more promises it doesn’t seem prepared to keep.

What was undeniably missing from the speech was immediate solutions to the cost of living crisis. No promises have been made to put pounds in the pockets of those struggling the most whilst the Government are too busy cracking down on free speech online.

Our country needs bold new ideas to pull us out of the doldrums, but this Queen’s Speech merely offers more of the same.

Notes to editors:  

For further comments or to arrange an interview, contact Emily Fielder, | 0758 477 8207.

The Adam Smith Institute is a free market, neoliberal think tank based in London. It advocates classically liberal public policies to create a richer, freer world.