Adam Smith Institute

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Queen's Speech - A missed opportunity?

The Adam Smith Institute (ASI) reacts to the Queen's Speech delivered earlier today.

Sam Bowman, Executive Director of the Adam Smith Institute says of the speech:

"The Queen’s speech was worryingly narrow. The Government has a slim working majority, so of course many of its more stupid manifesto commitments have been dropped. But it would be a grave political mistake to do nothing with this Parliament – voters will want something to show for this government’s time in office, and if it does nothing but Brexit and small niche Bills the voters will punish them at the next election.

Hopefully this speech won’t actually define the next two years. We need serious action on housing to bring down rents. We should seriously reform tax to boost productivity to deliver more high wage jobs. And we need to unlock private investment in infrastructure to renew parts of the country that have missed out on growth. The government ignores the problems that ordinary voters face at its peril."

For any further comment or to arrange an interview please contact Matt Kilcoyne via email or via phone 07584 778207