Adam Smith Institute

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Politicians should stop trying to regulate a porn industry they don't understand

The Adam Smith Institute has reacted with dismay at the suggestion by the Government's Digital minister, Matt Hancock, that users of porn websites should have to hand over credit card details to access sites hosting pornographic content.

Sam Dumitriu, Research Economist at the Adam Smith Institute, says:

"Requiring adult websites to force users to provide their credit card details poses a dangerous threat to privacy and will enable widespread credit card fraud.

"Consenting adults shouldn't be forced to announce that they're looking at pornography to their credit card company.

"There are massive fraud risks. It could mean that users are nudged into handing over data to unsafe sites - leaving them at the risk of fraud. Pornography is especially attractive to fraudsters as victims are often too embarrassed to flag up unexpected payments to adult sites to their credit card company.

"Politicians should stop trying to regulate things they don't understand."

To arrange an interview or further comment please get in touch with Matt Kilcoyne on 07584778207 or via email