Goodbye, ASI!

I didn't quite know what to expect as I walked through the office doors for the first time not as an attendee of an event, but as someone now expected to work for and contribute to the esteemed Adam Smith Institute. For several years previous I had heard talks given and read papers written by those employed there, but I had not imagined that I would one day, albeit all too temporarily, have my own desk there.

The phrase ‘thrown in at the deep end’ does not really make sense at the ASI, because that is the only end there is. I was immediately set to work helping research upcoming papers, trusted to review, copy-edit and help write others, and most dauntingly, research and write my own. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to be supported in putting to paper ideas about which I feel very strongly. 

These included an article on proposed smoking legislation, attacking the fundamentally wrong core ideas behind government paternalism; and a briefing document to inform MPs about the consequences of agricultural subsidies and the opportunities available to us through their removal. 

No two days were the same; my time included being invited to a day of talks given at a prominent sixth form, meetings with other think tanks, and even a literal front row seat to witness Liz Truss announce her leadership campaign.

I was able to constantly learn by word and by example from the kind and talented staff who warmly welcomed and expertly guided me. The ASI has proven that an amusing work environment and a serious influence are by no means mutually exclusive. In all, I am firmly of the opinion that my time here has had a marked influence on my abilities, my outlook and my desire to continue with what the ASI stands for: sound people and sound ideas.


There is no good argument for subsidising Tata at Port Talbot


Contra Khan and the myth of the rational smoker