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The Next Generation with Lord Kamall

The Next Generation with Lord Kamall

Join us for another TNG event on Tuesday, 1st April.

This time, we're delighted to be talking with the Rt. Hon. the Lord Kamall, Conservative life peer and shadow minister of state for health and social care. Also a Professor of Politics and International Relations at St. Mary's University, Twickenham, he has held government positions in healthcare and culture since 2021. A veritable acolyte of the Austrian economic tradition, his lordship is coming to talk about his brief: the NHS, and what we can do to keep it sustainable and available for today's young people. Important discourse to be held, so come along and make sure your voice is heard.

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​​​Date: Tuesday, 1st April 2025

​​​​​Time: 6pm start (early entries disallowed!)

​​​​​Venue: 23 Great Smith Street, Westminster. SW1P 3DJ

​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷


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Enlightenment Evening - Energy: The Route to Cheap and Abundant

Enlightenment Evening - Energy: The Route to Cheap and Abundant

Join us on Wednesday, 19th March for a discussion of energy and abundance with Lord MacKinlay.

​Since as far back as the Industrial Revolution, the primary currency of civilisation has been energy—the means by which we power the machines that make our society truly "modern". But with the highest industrial energy costs in all of Europe and home energy costs only rising, Britons are increasingly unhappy with the state of Joules per Pound in the country. And yet there is no shortage of solutions to Britain's wattage woes. From Small Modular Reactors to onshore wind to Great British Energy, policy boffins and engineers are constantly arguing about how to do it best. So how do we balance our national need for cheap, abundant and secure energy with the sentiments of local stakeholders, all within a new era of global instability? Come and discuss how we can keep the lights on, for cheaper and longer.

​​The Rt. Hon. the Lord MacKinlay of Richborough is a Conservative life peer in the House of Lords. Previously the Member of Parliament for South Thanet from 2015–2024, he became the "bionic MP" after surviving a critical sepsis infection. Now the "Bionic Lord" (as of 2024), he is the new Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

​​Doors open at 6pm for a sharp 6.30pm start. There will be a 15-minute address by Lord MacKinlay followed by 10–15 minutes of audience Q&A.

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Date: Wednesday, 19th March 2025
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (no earlier - come rain or shine!)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

Refreshments provided 🍷

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The Next Generation with Ruby Osman

The Next Generation with Ruby Osman

Join us for another TNG event on Tuesday, 11th March.

​​This time, we're delighted to be talking with Ruby Osman, a Policy Adviser and China expert at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. One of the country’s leading experts, Ruby has commentated on Chinese geopolitics with the BBC, TIME, Newsweek, the South China Morning Post and many more. She's even interviewed Henry Kissinger himself! Ruby will be discussing Beijing's efforts to contrast itself with Trump 2.0, and how the UK should respond to China's posturing as the new advocate for free trade and economic globalisation.

Register for Event

​​​Date: Tuesday, 11th March 2025

​​​​​Time: 6pm start (no matter how eager you are!)

​​​​​Venue: 23 Great Smith Street, Westminster. SW1P 3DJ

​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷


​​​​​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, students and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby. ​​​If we reach capacity with RSVPs, we will add you to our waiting list and let you know if a place becomes available.

​​​​​​​​​Please note this event is for under-35s.

​​See you there!

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Enlightenment Evening: Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

Enlightenment Evening: Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

Join us on Wednesday, 12th February for a discussion of Foreign Direct Investment with Lord Harrington.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the international purchase of assets. Capital from other countries gets invested by multinational corporations and high-net-worth individuals into Britain, as they look to do business here. It's a vital element of any globalised economy. But the UK lags 16.6% behind its peers on this front! How can we rectify this, making Britain an internationally competitive place to do business and attracting FDI to this country? Come and discuss the intersection between domestic and international economics with us!

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Harrington of Watford is a cross-bench life peer in the House of Lords. He was the Conservative MP for Watford from 2010–19. In March 2022 he was appointed Minister of State for Refugees, in charge of coordinating the UK's response to the refugee crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In November 2023, he published the Harrington Review of Direct Foreign Investment.

Doors open at 6pm for a sharp 6.30pm start. There will be a 15-minute address by Lord Harrington followed by 10–15 minutes of audience Q&A.

Register for Event

Date: Wednesday, 12th February 2025
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (no earlier - come rain or shine!)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

Refreshments provided 🍷

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The Next Generation: Sam Bowman

The Next Generation: Sam Bowman

Join us for another TNG event on Tuesday, 4th February.

It's already February! Oh, how time flies. It's the month of melting snow, longer days and sunshine. A time for optimism, one might say. A topical segway - because optimism is the subject of this month's TNG! Come along, maybe there's a rainbow in store for you here.

​​This time, we're delighted to be chatting with the ASI's very own Sam Bowman. After serving a veritable shift as the Adam Smith Institute's Director of Research and Education, Sam is now Head of Publishing at Stripe and the founding editor of Works in Progress. A bastion figurehead of the pro-growth movement for over a decade, he's coming to talk about why we shouldn't give up on the UK!

Register for Event

​​​Date: Tuesday, 4th February 2025

​​​​​Time: 6pm start (no matter how eager you are!)

​​​​​Venue: 23 Great Smith Street, Westminster. SW1P 3DJ

​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷


​​​​​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, students and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby. ​​​If we reach capacity with RSVPs, we will add you to our waiting list and let you know if a place becomes available.

​​​​​​​​​Please note this event is for under-35s.

​​See you there!

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Enlightenment Evening: Critical remarks on the Scientific Method of Economics

Enlightenment Evening: Critical remarks on the Scientific Method of Economics

Can you do economics like an empirical science? What do we really know about human behaviour? How does epistemology impact theory and public policy?

​Economists have been asking themselves these questions since the 19th century. Auguste Comte’s positivism inspired economists to try and find concrete patterns of human choice and behaviour by emulating the methods of the physical sciences. However, later economists—notably Friedrich von Hayek—rejected positivism outright, calling it ‘the fatal conceit’ and an 'intellectual somersault' (Hayek 1952). Hayek’s teacher, Ludwig von Mises, even rationalised economics as an a priori science of human action. Agree? Disagree? Nonetheless interested? Then come and discuss how we actually gain knowledge from economics.

​Dr. Thorsten Polleit is Honorary Professor of Economics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. He worked as an economist for more than 15 years in the international investment banking industry. From 2012 to 2023 he was chief economist and board member of Europe’s largest precious metal trading house. Thorsten is Adjunct Scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, US Alabama, and founder and President of the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland, Germany.

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Doors open at 6pm for a sharp 6.30pm start. There will be a 15-minute address by Dr. Polleit followed by 10–15 minutes of audience Q&A.

Date: Thursday, 30th January 2025
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (no earlier - come rain or shine!)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​Refreshments provided 🍷

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The Next Generation: Dr. Lawrence Newport

The Next Generation: Dr. Lawrence Newport

Join us for another TNG event on Tuesday, 14th January.

​Looking to beat the January Blues with some fiery political fervor? There’s only one place for it—next month’s TNG event!

​We're delighted to be hearing from Dr. Lawrence Newport, ardent political campaigner. After getting XL Bullies banned in the UK, he’s now spearheading the Crush Crime and Looking For Growth campaigns. Want to join the cause? Then join us!

Date: Tuesday 14th January 2025
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (don't come before 6pm - we won't let you in! Even if it's raining...our house, our rules)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷

Register for Event

​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​​Please note this event is exclusively for under-35s only.

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The Next Generation: The Baroness Smith

The Next Generation: The Baroness Smith

Join us for another TNG event on Tuesday, 3rd December.

​​As the days get shorter and the nights grow colder, wayward wonks seek solace in what they know best—talking politics. Combating the bleak midwinter, we're warming our bodies with mulled wine and our hearts with spirited discussion. Fancy a festive political foray? Then our TNG is the place to be.

​​We're delighted to be talking with The Baroness Smith of Llanfaes, the Plaid Cymru life peer and youngest member of the House of Lords. She'll be drawing on her experience and knowledge to discuss the importance of youth engagement with politics. Come manifest your success with us over some complementary vino.

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​​​Date: Tuesday, 3rd December 2024

​​​​​Time: 6pm start (no matter how cold it gets!)

​​​​​Venue: 23 Great Smith Street, Westminster. SW1P 3DJ

​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷


​​​​​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​​​​​​Please note this event is for under-35s.

​​​It is invitation only, but if you would like to request a plus one, please email If we reach capacity with RSVPs, we will add you to our waiting list and let you know if a place becomes available. 

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Adam Smith Lecture 2024: Rory Sutherland

Adam Smith Lecture 2024: Rory Sutherland

This year, we're delighted to be hearing from Rory Sutherland, the Vice-Chairman of the advertising company Ogilvy UK and Britain's most bohemian adman.

​Rory will be talking about young people, creativity and capitalism. With over 35 years of experience in the creative industries, Rory knows first-hand how capitalism and the profit motive cultivate the arts. In a classic Sutherlandism, he'll be explaining what Adam Smith taught us about human nature—and what economists promptly forgot about it!

​So join us at Woburn House to hear how young creatives flourish in free markets, meet some like-minded visionaries and find a new way of thinking about economics and the arts!

Register for Event

Date: Wednesday, 27th, November 2024
Time: Doors open: 6:30pm; Lecture: 7:00pm–8:00pm 
Where: Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 0HW

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Enlightenment Evening: Farewell Non-Doms

Enlightenment Evening: Farewell Non-Doms

We’ll be discussing our recently released policy papers Farewell Non-Doms: How non-dom reforms can damage Britain’s finances and Doms Away: Alternatives to the Abolition of the Non-Dom Regime.

​The UK’s non-domicile tax regime has been abolished, as confirmed by Rachel Reeves’ first Budget. Our research shows that this could cost the UK economy £6.5 billion by 2035. Nonetheless, the non-dom regime is outdated and complicated, in need of reform.

​How can we modernise and simplify it whilst remaining competitive in the global challenge to attract the world’s largest wealth creators? Come and hear how we can create a new non-dom tax regime that retains our most talented, makes the UK money and saves the tax advisers from red tape-induced headaches.

​We’re delighted to be hosting our panellists Maxwell Marlow (Director of Research at the Adam Smith Institute), Tristan Honeyborne (private client lawyer specialising in tax), Sophie Dworetzsky (Partner at Charles Russell Speechlys; non-dom tax adviser; Top 10 tax adviser 2019) and Michael Brooker (Bloomberg Opinion Columnist).

This event will be live-streamed on X, and later uploaded to YouTube for those of you who cannot attend in person.

Doors open at 6pm for a sharp 6.30pm start. 20-minute panel discussion followed by 10–15 minutes of Q&A.

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Date: Tuesday, 19th November 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (no earlier!)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

Refreshments provided 🍷

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Enlightenment Evening: Can Free Markets be Feminist?

Enlightenment Evening: Can Free Markets be Feminist?

​Economics weighs heavily on feminist minds. Labour rights, maternity leave, workplace discrimination, black-market healthcare, global supply chains; the relationship between women and capital reveals much about gendered distinctions in a society.

​Nonetheless, free markets get slandered as anti-feminist. Thinkers like Maria Mies (1986), Silvia Federici (2004), Catherine Rottenberg (2018) and Nancy Fraser (2013; 2019) accuse neoliberalism of entrenching—not eroding—misogyny.

​The Adam Smith Institute disagrees, and invites you to discuss how free-market economics serves feminist ends. From revealing women’s interests to providing an escape from sexism wielded by the state, come and hear the case for the defence of neoliberal feminism.

​We will be hearing from Dr. Victoria Bateman, an economic historian and author of the books “The Sex Factor: How Women made the West Rich” (2019) and "Naked Feminism: Breaking the Cult of Female Modesty" (2023). She has twenty years experience teaching economics and economic history at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and is known for her feminist activism in defence of women’s bodily freedom.

Doors open at 6pm for a sharp 6.30pm start. 20-minute panel discussion followed by 10–15 minutes of Q&A.

Register for Event

Date: Thursday, 14th November 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (no earlier - come rain or shine!)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

Refreshments provided 🍷

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The Next Generation: Lord Mendelsohn

The Next Generation: Lord Mendelsohn

Join us for another TNG event on Tuesday, 5th November.

​Looking for your next fix of political chit-chat? Fancy discussing the Chancellor’s Budget? Want to beat the November chills by nursing a glass of red wine? You know the solution—it’s next month’s TNG event!

​We're delighted to be hearing from Lord Mendelsohn of Finchley, Labour life peer and our new patron. He'll be talking with us about why he's joined the ASI and how Labour can make the most of its veritable free-market tradition. Come and join the conversation.

Date: Tuesday 5th November 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (don't come before 6pm - we won't let you in! Even if it's raining...our house, our rules)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷

Register for Event

​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​​Please note this event is exclusively for under-35s only.

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Enlightenment Evening: Selecting The Best

Enlightenment Evening: Selecting The Best

Join us for another Enlightenment Evening on Tuesday, 14th October.

​We’ll be discussing our recently released paper Selecting the Best: Building a Future-Focused Immigration System.

​Migration to the UK has skyrocketed since 1997, propping up a low wage, low productivity, low growth economy. Whilst gross GDP has been artificially inflated by a larger population, GDP per capita and productivity rates have stagnated.

​Come and hear how we can create a sustainable migration system which promotes global talent, ends low wage dependency and supports automation.

​We’re delighted to be hosting our panellists Dr. Madeleine Sumption (Director of the Migration Observatory), Tom Jones (paper co-author and Conservative councillor), Katie Lam MP (Conservative MP for the Weald of Kent), Sam Bidwell (Director of our Next Generation Centre) and Sunder Katwala (Director of British Future).

​​This event will be live-streamed on X, and later uploaded to YouTube for those of you who cannot attend in person.

​Doors open at 6pm for a sharp 6.30pm start. 20-minute panel discussion followed by 10–15 minutes of Q&A.

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The Annual Ayn Rand Lecture 2024

The Annual Ayn Rand Lecture 2024

Charles White-Thomson, Senior Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute and former CEO of Saxo UK, will be giving our annual Ayn Rand Lecture on "The Importance of National Honesty."

In this lecture, Charles will defend the concept of honesty, asserting that it is society's most vital defence against decline. As Ayn Rand arguedhonesty is not a social duty, not a sacrifice for the sake of others, but the most profoundly selfish virtue man can practice: his refusal to sacrifice the reality of his own existence to the deluded consciousness of others."

From the First Gulf War to the Barings Bank collapse to the takeover of DLJ by Credit Suisse, Charlie embodies the Randian ethic of independence. With 30 years of experience in financial markets, most recently as CEO and SMF1 of Saxo UK, he is recognised for his bold views on UK monetary policy and the economy.


6pm Door open. Drinks reception & networking

7pm Lecture and Q&A

8pm Further refreshments & networking

9pm Ends

Dress code: Smart (lounge suits/business wear)

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The Next Generation with Alys Denby

The Next Generation with Alys Denby

We’re excited to announce that, on Tuesday 8th October, the Adam Smith Institute will welcome Alys Denby, the Opinions and Features Editor of CityAM and the former Editor of CapX, for The Next Generation.

Date: Tuesday 2nd September 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (don't come before 6pm - we won't let you in! Even if it's raining...our house, our rules)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷

Register for Event

​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​​Please note this event is exclusively for under-35s only

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Extinction-Level Event: Why The Conservatives Will Only Survive If They Win Back Young People

Extinction-Level Event: Why The Conservatives Will Only Survive If They Win Back Young People

At the last General Election, only 8% of 18-29 year olds voted Conservative, whilst the average age of a Conservative voter rose to 63. Within the next few years, the Party could cease to exist altogether.

Any serious attempt to rebuild the Party must focus on winning back young people.

Our ‘Next Generation Centre’ panel will discuss how we can re-engage young people in centre-right politics, and what policies we should be offering in order to tangibly improve their lives.

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What does the City of London look like in 2030?

What does the City of London look like in 2030?

Despite a challenging few years, the City of London remains one of the world’s largest financial centres and one of the UK’s most valuable economic assets. However, the City today faces a number of existential challenges, including overregulation and changing geopolitical circumstances.

This panel will discuss how the centre right should respond to the host of challenges facing the City, and develop pathways to improve its global performance. Rather than viewing the City as a burden, we should be working to maximise the opportunities that it provides, encouraging calculated risks and reinforcing the UK’s reputation as a services superpower.

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Markets not Marx: Why Labour Should Embrace the Market As A Tool for Social Justice

Markets not Marx: Why Labour Should Embrace the Market As A Tool for Social Justice

The Chancellor has previously declared that she wants to foster new partnerships between the free market and an active state. 

But what should this relationship look like and how can the free market help the Labour Government realise its aims of driving economic growth and increasing opportunities for all?

This panel will discuss how Labour can embrace the market as a tool to make housing more affordable, stimulate the economy in areas which have been left behind, create high-quality public services, lower the cost of living and tackle intergenerational inequalities.

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The Bully State: How Nanny is taking over Britain

The Bully State: How Nanny is taking over Britain

The Nanny State was coined in 1965 by Iain Macleod MP, and since that time, burgeoning public health interventions and restrictions on individual freedoms have continued flowing from Whitehall and into the pubs, shops, and restaurants of the British people. From reformulated food, sugar taxes, and now a 'Generational Smoking Ban', we are asking where these coercions have come from and how we can limit them.

Join the Adam Smith Institute on Friday 20th September at 13:30. Our panellists will be Maxwell Marlow, Director of Research & Education at the Adam Smith Institute; Dr Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs; Elliot Keck, Head of Campaigns at the TaxPayer's Alliance; George Morris Seers, Head of UK Public Affairs for JTI; and James McMurdoc MP, Member of Parliament for South Basildon and East Thurrock.

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Enlightenment Evening: Why is the UK's Sanctions Regime So Dysfunctional?

Enlightenment Evening: Why is the UK's Sanctions Regime So Dysfunctional?

Join us for another Enlightenment Evening on Tuesday 10th September from 6pm.

​We're delighted to be hosting Professor David Collins, author of our new paper Market-Based Reforms to the UK Economic Sanctions Regime.

​The UK's sanctions regime is dysfunctional and is not achieving its aims- as can be seen by the fact we've not managed to effectively punish Russia or disrupt its invasion of Ukraine.

​From trading via other countries, to setting up shell companies, and selling dual-use items, investors and businesses are evading our sanctions, and we're not doing enough to incentivise them to keep their capital in the UK.

​Come along to hear how we can create a more robust sanctions framework, which will be far more effective at stopping hostile states from carrying out malign behaviour, in a way that actively benefits the UK.

This event will live-streamed on X, and later uploaded to YouTube for those of you who cannot attend in person.

​​​6pm doors for a 6:30pm start. Q + A.

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The Next Generation with Ben Southwood

The Next Generation with Ben Southwood

We are thrilled to announce that on Monday 2nd September the Adam Smith Institute will welcome Ben Southwood, the Founding Editor of Works in Progress and former Head of Research at the ASI for The Next Generation.

Date: Monday 2nd September 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (don't come before 6pm - we won't let you in! Even if it's raining...our house, our rules)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷

​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​​Please note this event is for under-35s only

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Enlightenment Evenings: Psychedelichs at the ASI

We will be hearing from:

Dr David Erritzøe, Clinical Director and Deputy Head of Centre for Psychedelic Research and Clinical Senior Lecturer in General Psychiatry in Centres for Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial.

​David conducts psychopharmacological research, using brain-imaging techniques such as PET and MRI. Since 2009 he has been involved in post-doc imaging research into the neurobiology of addictions and major depression at Imperial. David has been investigating brain mechanisms and therapeutic potential of MDMA, ketamine and classic psychedelics.

Tara Austin, Campaign Manager at Psilocybin Access Rights, has been a psychedelic medicine advocate since 2015, and co-founded PAR in 2022 to improve therapy access. As a Partner at Ogilvy Behavioural Science Practice, she works with top clients and hosts Nudgestock, a leading behavioural science and creativity festival.

Max Rangeley, Editor of the Cobden Centre, a British economics think tank founded by Member of Parliament Steve Baker and entrepreneur Toby Baxendale.

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Book Launch: The Philosophy of Conservatism

Conservatism is in crisis. If the polls are correct, the Conservative Party is facing one of its greatest electoral debates in history on the 4th July.

​Dr Madsen Pirie OBE's timely new book, The Philosophy of Conservatism, engages with the history and fundamental ideas of Conservatism; whether the Conservative Party of today reflects them, and whether there is a way forward for the Party.

​We're delighted to invite you to the launch of this book on Tuesday 9th July at the Adam Smith Institute.

​Please note this event is invite only.

About Dr Madsen Pirie OBE

​Prior to founding the Adam Smith Institute in 1977, Madsen worked for the House of Representatives in Washington DC, and was Distinguished Visiting Professor Philosophy at Hillsdale in Michigan.

​At the Institute, Madsen was part of the influential team which pioneered privatisation and the extension of market choices and incentives. His work in helping to develop the Citizen's Charter led to his appointment to the Prime Minister's Advisory Panel from 1991-5.

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Enlightenment Evenings: Cracking Economics with Tejvan Pettinger

Join us for another evening of The Adam Smith Institute's series of events, Enlightenment Evenings, where our Chairman James Lawson interviews brilliant authors, academics and wonks on fascinating topics stirring up the Westminster scene.

​​On Wednesday 19th June, we have Tejvan Pettinger joining us to speak about his new book, 'Cracking Economics'.

​From Keynesian models to how inflation affects interest rates, Cracking Economics makes the seemingly complex world of global finance easily understood.

​Tejvan's other titles include 'The Economics Bible', 'Economics without the Boring Bits', 'What Would Keynes Do', and 'Economics: 50 Essential Ideas'.

​He is also the founder of the online resource Economics Help.

​​​6pm doors for a 6:30pm start. Q + A.

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The Next Generation: Julia Willemyns, UK Day One

We are thrilled to announce that on Tuesday 4th June the Adam Smith Institute will welcome Julia Garayo Willemyns, Founding Co-Director of UK Day One Project, for The Next Generation.

Date: Tuesday 4th June 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (don't come before 6pm - we won't let you in! Even if it's raining...our house, our rules)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷

​​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​​Please note this event is for under-35s.

To join the event, please register here

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Enlightenment Evenings: Party Poopers

Join us for an evening of The Adam Smith Institute's new series of events, Enlightenment Evenings, where our Chairman James Lawson interviews brilliant authors, academics and wonks on fascinating topics stirring up the Westminster scene.

​On Thursday, we are excited to host our very own Director of The Next Generation Centre, Sam Bidwell and Director of Engagement & Operations, Mimi Yates: co-authors of our new knockout paper, 'On The Rocks: London's Nightlife in Crisis'.

​London has long had a global reputation as one of the greatest cities to eat, drink and make merry. But now its nightlife scene is in crisis, and our hospitality sector is stifled by puritanical licensing laws and sky-high operating costs.

​Come along to hear us how we can help our pubs, restaurants and great cultural institutions to flourish, and how we can truly make London a 24 hour city.

To join the event, please register here

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Special Lecture | Why Read Adam Smith in 2024?

Ahead of Adam Smith's birthday, we're delighted to be hosting Erik Matson, Deputy Director of the Adam Smith Programme at George Mason University, for a special lecture.

Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations was central to the development of modern economics. This lecture will make the case that reading Smith's texts 301 years after his birth is still worth our time.

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The Inaugural Saleh Kamel Lecture with The Rt. Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP

The Adam Smith Institute and Mr Abdullah Kamel are delighted to invite you to The Inaugural Saleh Kamel Lecture, titled 'The Future of Saudi Arabia'.

​ This lecture series is in memory of Saleh Kamel, the father of modern Islamic finance, entrepreneur, philanthropist, leader and a key figure in shaping the modern Middle East.

​After a special presentation by Patron of The Adam Smith Institute The Rt. Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP, there will be a panel discussing Saudi Arabia’s role in innovation and entrepreneurship, and how Islamic finance will be a long-standing part of the British economy, followed by a Q & A. This will be chaired by Chairman of the ASI, James Lawson.

​Following the event, the Adam Smith Institute will be producing a white paper which will discuss Islamic finance, how it came about, what challenges it faces in modern markets and in policy, and how it can be best utilised to benefit the British economy.


​Drinks and canapés in the Holford Room from 6:00pm

​Lecture, panel and Q&A begin in the Orchid Room at 7:00pm 

​Evening ends at 9:00pm

 Please RSVP below by Tuesday 30th April to ensure a place. You will receive a confirmation email with your ticket.

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Enlightenment Evenings: The Rent is Too Damn High!

Join us for an evening of The Adam Smith Institute's new series of events, Enlightenment Evenings, where our Chairman James Lawson interviews brilliant authors, academics and wonks on fascinating topics stirring up the Westminster scene.

​On Thursday, we have Maxwell, our Director of Research, speaking about the ASI's Cost of Rent Day.

​Alongside Tax Freedom Day, we at the Adam Smith Institute have decided to highlight one of the other equally pernicious ways that poor policy choices are eating into our pay packets; namely, the objectively insane prices that many of us are paying monthly just to keep a roof over our heads.

​Sunday marked Cost of Rent Day – the day on which, on average, a renter in England ceases to hand over their hard-earned money solely to their landlords and instead, begins to use that money for themselves

​​6pm doors for a 6:30pm start. Q + A.

To join the event, please register here

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The Next Generation: Steve Baker MP

We are thrilled to announce that on Tuesday 7th May the Adam Smith Institute will welcome Steve Baker MP, Minister of State for Northern Ireland and MP for Wycombe, for The Next Generation.

Date: Tuesday 7th May 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00pm (don't come before 6pm - we won't let you in! Even if it's raining...our house, our rules)
Where: 23 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3DJ

​​​​Refreshments provided 🍷

​​​​A bit more about these meetings:

​​​​At TNGs, we throw our doors open to Westminster’s finest to enjoy a political discussion over a few glasses of (free) wine. Open to parliamentary staffers, journos, SpAds, consultants, and even the odd civil servant, TNG is a place to network, chat, relax and always feature great remarks from our guest speaker. Whatever your politics, we just like interesting ideas and we hope you do too. It’s for under-35s, it’s informal and we normally end up at the Marquis of Granby.

​​​​Please note this event is for under-35s.

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On The Rocks: A Next Generation Centre Paper Launch

The Adam Smith Institute is delighted to invite you to our ‘On the Rocks’ launch event at 7pm on the 30th April, with remarks from Director of the Next Generation Centre Sam Bidwell and the Rt. Hon Robert Jenrick MP.

​London has long had a global reputation as one of the greatest cities to eat, drink and make merry. But now its nightlife scene is in crisis, and our hospitality sector is stifled by puritanical licensing laws and sky-high operating costs.

​That’s why our Next Generation Centre is launching a new paper: On the Rocks: London’s Nightlife in Crisis. We’ll show how we can help our pubs, restaurants and great cultural institutions to flourish, and how we can truly make London a 24 hour city.

​We’re excited to be hosting supporters of a great night out at the fabulous Mr Fogg’s City Tavern.

​Refreshments will be provided. For those who want to keep the conversation going, there will be a cash bar.

​Please note you will receive a separate email with confirmation of your registration and your QR code ticket.

​Due to space limitation and anticipated high demand, RSVPs will be on a first come, first served basis.

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