Happy Tax Freedom Day!

As of June 2024, this is out of date. Please refer to Tax Freedom Day 2024 for the updated statistics.

Hooray! It's that time of the year again where we've stopped working for the taxman and started working for ourselves! While Christmas always feels like it gets earlier each and every year, Tax Freedom Day is actually getting later and later.

Tax Freedom Day is our way of making Britain aware of the sheer volume of taxes we're all paying, some every single source. Britons love knowing this stuff and you may have seen it covered in the papers today. In addition to the reports you can read Dr Eamonn Butler's words in City AM, Matt Kilcoyne in the Daily Express, and Sam Dumitriu on CapX

In this week's #MadsenMoment, Dr Pirie explains just why we calculate Tax Freedom Day and why we should celebrate this moment of tax liberation!


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