Helen Evans: the political class no longer believe in NHS


The Institute of Economic Affairs has just launched a great new book by the Director of Nurses for Reform: ‘Sixty Years On: Who Cares for the NHS?

Researched and written by senior nurse and health economist, Dr. Helen Evans, the study lays out the private opinions of the country’s top 100 health opinion formers. According to the author:

This groundbreaking new study shows that although politicians do not feel confident in proposing radical new models of healthcare, elite opinion in the media, in political circles, in academia and in policy think tanks has fallen out of love with the idea of a centrally planned health service providing and financed by government.

Indeed. The results this work presents show that the world has moved on in profound and important ways since the late 1940s. Crucially it shows that on the eve of its sixtieth anniversary, the NHS is no longer a much loved British institution. For the political class, as for the rest of us, it has become an embarrassment and a national disgrace.


Grin and bear it


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