The top ten myths of American health care


A new report has been published by the Pacific Research Institute, titled “The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen's Guide" by Sally C Pipes. The publication examines ten commonly held myths about health care in US, including:

  -  Government Health Care is More Efficient

  -  Forty Six Million Americans Can’t Get Health Care

  -  Government-Run Health Care Systems in Other Countries are Better and Cheaper then America’s

  -  Universal Coverage Can Be Achieved By Forcing Everyone to Buy Health Insurance

  -  We Need More Government to Insure Poor Americans

There are going to be many problems created over the coming years in relation to healthcare in the US, one can only hope that this book is read by those who need to. Indeed, this publication would be invaluable for many in free market policy in Europe to expose the lies of those who castigate the US system as one that is wholly private and extraordinarily exclusionary.

For a more in depth review of the publication please click here to read Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute, whose article appeared in the Washington Times.


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