Well, doesn't this just kill the Marmot Review


We did in fact read the Marmot Review, on the grounds that we suffer so that you don't have to. And we were, we're afraid to have to say it, deeply unimpressed with it. We have no doubt at all that a certain amount of the health inequality in the UK is a result of economic inequality. But we would also insist that a certain amount of the economic inequality in the UK is due to health inequality. And it's that second that Marmot entirely disregarded. The Review insisted that if only we reduced economic inequality then health inequality would disappear: even as it is obvious that reducing the economic form of inequality won't have any effect at all on that second form of it. So, we now see this:

Thousands of people with cancer will feel “cold and lonely” this Christmas because they do not have enough money to celebrate or heat their homes, a charity has said.

Almost 170,000 people in the UK with cancer are unable to join in special family events such as Christmas due to a lack of cash, according to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Its survey of almost 1,000 people living with cancer found 9% had to miss out on visiting family and friends because they could not afford it.

Other research of more than 1,600 people who have been in touch with Macmillan found 28% were unable to adequately heat their home in winter due to money worries.

The charity has previously found 83% people with cancer are on average £570 a month worse off as a result of their diagnosis.

That health inequality leads to economic inequality is therefore proven. Marmot is wrong.


Why shops stock up on christmas goods so early


It's trivially obvious that this was bad law in the first place