The immigrant's pledge


I wonder if would-be immigrants to this country might find a readier acceptance if they were to undertake a voluntary pledge similar to this one.  I think most would readily do so.

"I am grateful that you have allowed me into your country to seek a better life.

I promise in return that I will respect your culture and your customs and I will learn your language.  I know that your ancestors fought for centuries to establish freedom of speech and I will support that freedom.  I promise that I will respect the right of others to seek to improve their lives, without regard to their sex or sexuality. 

I will do my utmost to be a good citizen.  I will do my best not to be a drain on your resources, but to make a positive contribution to your economy and to your essential public services through the work that I do and the taxes that I pay.

I will respect your laws and I will respect my fellow citizens and do what I can to prevent harm coming to anyone.

I will try to live my life in such a way that I will be a credit to my new country, so that those who allowed me to come here and contribute to its future will be glad that they did so."


Against the idea of a 100% inheritance tax


An odd theory but it's ours and we like it