Stand up for smokers


The Government is currently inviting responses to a consultation document on the future of tobacco control in the UK. It includes proposals to ban the display of tobacco in shops and outlaw cigarette vending machines. Forest, which champions the right of smokers to puff in peace, has created an e-card through which you can tell the nannies in the Department of Health to buzz off. It reads:

  • I oppose the introduction of unnecessary regulations that will threaten jobs and small businesses, and inconvenience millions of consumers.
  • I oppose the proposals to ban the display of tobacco in shops, and ban tobacco vending machines.
  • I support measures to educate children about the health risks of smoking, but I oppose measures designed to demonise adult smokers.
  • I oppose the stigmatisation of smokers and the erosion of civil liberties by Big Government.

If you want to send one, click here.


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