What the Immigrant Saw

whatThere's a great new book just published by JP Floru. It's What the Immigrant Saw, and describes his adventures and experiences since he first arrived on these shores from Belgium and decided to make Britain his home.

The book is superlatively written, and carries the reader along effortlessly with its narrative as JP struggles with local councils, with UK politics, with the NHS, with housing, and with busy-body bureaucrats. He writes in an engaging first-person style, edging his insights with wry humour as he encounters our ways.

He treads the path of a foreigner looking at our foibles with an affectionate eye, a path trod by George Mikes in "How to Be an Alien" over half a century ago. But there is a political punch to the book. JP puts across the essence of what Thatcherism meant, and how it had to fight vested interests and the blinkered ideology of socialism and officialdom. His causes are those of liberty and free markets, and he wears their favours well.

The book is a must read, entertaining and amusing, but informative too. Buy copies for your friends and spread the word.


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