Why we're mad as hell


A council cleaner in Buxton earning £14,000 a year - officially below the poverty line - pays her income tax and then gets an extra bill from the BBC for a licence tax. She pays that to a wealthy TV executive driving into London who claims on his expenses for a congestion tax paid to a government quango.

The taxes are used to fund a taxpayer maintained MP's flat-screen television so that the MP, eating food paid for by the taxpayer can watch the Prime Minister on television talk about a "fair and equal" society and how he is determined to make the economy grow.

That's mad as hell, and so are we, and we are NOT going to take it any more.

The dispersed interest of taxpayers is gradually being allowed transparency of the grand corporate culture that emerges when big institutions get grand ideas.

Those cultures have to change. Three hundred pound hotel rooms, expensive meals after an "extended working day of 12 hours" do not go down well with the small businessman tucked in his Travelodge bed with the late evening hamburger half-eaten at the bedside after 16 hours on the road trying to avoid trading losses. They go down worse with the cleaner from Buxton hearing about six hundred pound restaurant meetings for Controllers when she's stuck in a janitorial cupboard being told by her supervisor that her supplementary hours are being cut due to shortage of cash.

It's time the BBC executives "got it" as well as MP's.


Why is American health care so expensive?


All good things…