Adam Smith Institute ranked among top 10 economic think tanks in the world

Today, the University of Pennsylvania has released its authoritative Global Go To Think Tanks Report’s rankings of over 6,500 think tanks. The Adam Smith Institute is delighted to be placed 7th in the world for domestic economic policy and 10th for international economic policy.

These rankings place us in the same league as think tanks with budgets a hundred times bigger than ours. They confirm that we make a big difference, are highly cost-effective, and have earned the respect of our peers around the world. We were also named as the think tank with the 18th most significant impact on public policy in the world.

These rankings for 2012 confirm the Adam Smith Institute as one of the world’s leading policy think tanks, effectively fighting for free markets and a free society. 2012 has been an exceptional year and the impact of our work is reflected in our excellent position in the global rankings.

"This is a marvellous endorsement of our young, focused, energetic team, who have outperformed much larger institutions in terms of impact and cost-effectiveness", said Adam Smith Institute Director Dr Eamonn Butler. "I am proud to work alongside them in one of the world's leading policy think tanks."

The full report and rankings can be viewed online here.


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