Blog Review 436


There are a number of people who aren't all that keen on what Hillary Clinton has said about trade. Daniel at the Times, Willem Buiter in the FT, Clive Crook in the FT, but here's why she actually said what she said.

On the subject of what politicians say in public, Guido on Peter Hain's latest little statements

On trade, why don't people get this? We impose sanctions to punish countries: so tarrifs, which are sanctions upon us, well, why are we punishing ourselves?

Could this actually be true? More storms are being named, which pushes up the "hurricane count": but more storms are being named because lower wind speeds now qualify a storm as one that should be named? 

The equation you need if you want to improve your profits as a dope dealer. 

Technology can build businesses up and it can also destroy entire industries, as the history of porn online seems to be showing.

And finally, Hugo Chavez has accepted the results of the referendum. Does this make him more of a democrat than the EU?


Swedish privatization


Government targets are a healthcare cancer