Blog Review 459


Iain Dale has a listing of those who are said to be the most influential 50 "LGB" people in British politics. Shows quite how far we've come for in the lifetimes of many listed there homosexuality was illegal. Another example of how the good old days are in fact now.

On the other hand, not everything is getting better. The bureaucrats are still getting both more stupid and vicious. 

You'll have to think very hard if you want to contribute to this project. A list of the achievements of the European Union. 

It's true that both the US and the UK had tariffs: proving that they aided growth is a great more difficult. 

Peter Luff MP is rather taken down a peg or two in this conversation culled from a comments section

So many of the things we are urged to do "for the environment" are simply symbolic acts, of no real merit at all. 

And finally, things you might not know about Bruce Schneier. This is especially good: "Bruce Schneier knows the state of Schroedinger's Cat."


Quote of the day


New Christmas presents