Blog Review 473


An interesting list which informs the decision to go for nuclear. With the plants closing down, there really seems to be no choice.

More to the point on climate change. Those eeevil denialists have received how much in comparison to Greenpeace over the years? 

One simple way to sort out the mess of the welfare state. Of course, it would require leaving the European Union for the distinction between "British" and "EU" citizen is not allowed in the way necessary.

Using the techniques from Moneyball and its analysis of baseball we can now reveal that the greatest ever cricketer was SF Barnes. Definitely not Don Bradman. Shush, don't tell the Aussies.

Why we should support Tony Blair's new job. If people can get rich leaving British politics, perhaps more will leave British politics? 

On American politics: the source of the Ron Paul letters is revealed (and yes, that headliine is a ghastly pun. Shame!)

And finally, for a slow Friday afternoon, extreme hangman. 


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Blog Review 472