Blog Review 482


One view of how the political system works: an auction of other peoples' money.

Another view: you really shouldn't take the tax subsidies, for if you do, you'll end up becoming captive. 

Yet another: at some point on Northern Rock someone is going to have to say that the hole is deep enough already, so let's stop digging. 

A fourth view: sometimes it really is true that the artist brings a clarity, a purity, to the description of life.  

A markets in everything moment: a futures market for gadgetry. You can pre-sell (or rather, buy an option to do so) your electronic gew gaws as you buy them. 

Sad new, PJ. O'Rourke is no longer funny. Worse, he's actually morphed into being a writer. 

And finally, The Dissident Frogman has found a way to become stinking rich. 


Book of the week


Blog Review 481