Blog Review 523


Well, whadda you know. It appears that there is some censorship in the academic publishing world if your results (or even your discussion) don't fully and completely support the idea of anthropogenic causes of global warming.

Competition Time ! Send in your examples of peoplemaking up statistics about the quality of life and its improvement or not over recent decades. 

More absurdiuty: the return of Neil Clark. 

You know, when the government said that your medical data would be safe, available only to the highly trained professionals who really need it: you do know they had their fingers crossed when they said it, don't you

Tim Worstall gets hot under the collar again: he forgot to use the "businessmen seldom gather...." bit though.

The Clinton campaign really does seem to be getting a little desperate. 

And finally , it's not just government IT that doesn't know how to run a websote. 


Quote of the day


The Guardian and Tesco's Taxation