Blog Review 564


Yes, it really is true. Tax competition (and that includes the existence of tax havens) does indeed lead to tax policieis which promote growth: by lowering the rates that can be charged. No, really, the OECD says so.

Aoril 15th is Biofuels Day. A cause for celebration, or one for sadness and recrimination? 

Yes, if course you must obey the law. It's just that we're not going to tell you what the law is, so you won't know if you're breaking it. Cute, eh?

A useful guide to sorting the celebrity surgeons from the snake oil merchants. Similar constructs could be made for many areas of life. 

How the Chinese press reported the passage of the Olympic torch relay. Nothing like fair and honest, eh? Nothing like at all. 

Needs repeating again: manufacturing in the rich world has not been hollowed out, it is not in crisis. 

And finally, if a scientist were to get a tattoo, what sort of tattoo would it be? 


And another thing...


The year of the potato