Blog Review 820


Netsmith is browsing and sluicing with the best of you today, as Netsmith hopes that you are. So nothing too serious to draw your attention to today.

Just a little appropriate piece of cynicism with which to view the political process.

The truth about the UK economy finally revealed.

Bravo and thrice Bravo! to some of our Australian friends.

No bravos for Chryselr, if this is the first sign of how they spend the bailout money.

The origin of the phrase "Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus".

An alternative reading of the way to celebrate the day.

And finally, Netsmith has it on good authority that today is all about a Jewish lad made good, so why not Jewish jokes (the ones by, not about, that is, the ones that are actually funny) for the day.


A seasonal tale


Merry Christmas from the ASI!