Disqus or Wordpress for comments? Let us know

We're going to be moving over to a new, Wordpress-based site shortly. One of the things we're trying to decide is whether to keep Disqus for comments, or to use a native Wordpress-based comments system.

As I see it, the issues are this:

  1. Wordpress is simpler, requiring no login or registration. Disqus does allow guest comments but it can be quite fiddly.
  2. Disqus allows users to upvote their favourite comments and downvote others.
  3. All our current comments are kept on Disqus, though I'm not sure if we'll be able to bring these over in any case.
  4. Some users find Disqus to be extremely annoying to use; whether this is a specific Disqus problem or a more general problem I don't know.

Since ASI writers very seldom comment on the site, preferring to allow readers to discus among themselves (maybe that should change?), I thought the best thing to do would be to open it up to you — do you like Disqus? Hate it? Which would make you happier — the status quo, or a Wordpress-powered comment system? Let us know in the comments. Of course, the fact that those comments are currently powered by Disqus may skew the results...


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