Farewell to the motherland


After three wonderful months at the Adam Smith Institute, it is time for me to go back to the United States, marry my fiancé, complete my last year of university, and then head to law school. In the words of Paul (the Saint, not the Ron):

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).

Ok, that's all a bit dramatic.

In all reality though, it has been a pleasure working here and I will miss London and the great friends I have made. If I have learned one lesson during the last three months, it is that we can never be complacent. Political demagogues will always promise greater prosperity to the masses by subsidizing, mandating, and taxing.

This is why those of us who want to take responsibility for our own lives must continuously work to keep the markets free, the taxes low, and the government small. Over the next few years, capitalism may indeed face its stiffest challenge in decades. Globalisation is changing the world landscape, and although it promises great benefits, many people are afraid of the future. The oil crisis and global warming hysteria will undoubtedly fuel the fire for greater government intervention.

So let's stick to our guns and continue our fight for freedom and liberty!


Suffocating free trade


Blog Review 664