Freedom 2008


This weekend Students for Freedom! and UCL's Economics and Finance Society are celebrating liberty and individualism with a two-day seminar on the return of freedom to Europe after the fall of communism: one that's absolutely FREE and jam-packed with top speakers.

They are beginning with a protest against socialism, before a series of talks on issues related to the emergence of freedom in eastern Europe.

Confirmed speakers include: 

  • Professor Anthony Evans: Asst. Professor of Economics at European School of Management
  • Kristian Niemietz: Poverty Research Fellow, Institute for Economic Affairs
  • Guy Herbert: General-Secretary of NO2ID
  • Greg Hands MP: MP for Hammersmith and Fulham for Conservatives
  • Gerard Batten MEP: London-wide MEP and London mayoral candidate for UKIP

There's also a free public screening of the Oscar-winning film The Lives of Others, about the Stasi surveillance of East German civilians in the 1980s.

A drinks reception will be held in the Saturday evening, for which a minimum fee covering costs will be charged. The event can be found on facebook – just click here.


Obama wins


Tis the season