Freedom forum 2011


This year is the inaugural Liberty League conference, kindly hosted by the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Freedom Association.

For £20 (and a £10 deposit refunded on registration) they've booked out the entire Hatters Hostel, so will provide your accommodation, meals, drink, free books and videos, and give you the chance to meet other young pro-liberty activists from all over the UK. You’ll have the chance to see and meet some of the liberty movement’s best speakers, take part in seminars, and learn from activist training workshops.

The list of speakers is growing every day, but Tom Clougherty of the Adam Smith Institute, Steve Davies of the Institute of Economic Affairs, Alex Deane formerly of Big Brother Watch, Claire Fox of the Institute of Ideas, John Hemming MP of the Liberal Democrats, Mark Littlewood of the Institute of Economic Affairs, and Simon Richards of the Freedom Association have already been confirmed.

Date: 1st to 3rd April

Venue: Birmingham and Midland Institute, and Hatters Hostel, Birmingham.

You can apply here:


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