Nigel Evans shines at The Next Generation


nigel_evans.jpgThe ASI's Next Generation group hit the ground running with its first reception of 2008. It was first Tuesday time, and Nigel Evans, MP (Con) for Ribble Valley was the guest of honour. There was a good crowd, probably attracted more by the speaker than the wine of the month (Wilga Tree shiraz-cabernet).

After the members had sampled the gourmet sandwiches, it was time for the 10-minute presentation. Evans spoke to the title "Between now and the next election." Like the ASI's Madsen Pirie, he seems to have concluded that this will happen in 2010 as the parliamentary term runs out. His theme is that the case must be made relentlessly that individual enterprise can create wealth far more than government can, and that a growing economy can both fund public services and also take a lower proportion of the nation's earnings. He referred to examples of when this had been done.

The verdict on his speech was that it was superb, brief, but making valid points succinctly. Mr Evans stayed after his address and managed to meet and chat with most of the members there. It was a great start to the year. Bookmark the next on: Tuesday March 4th.


Common Error No. 28


And another thing...