Running for liberty

This weekend, our friend Hunter DuBose (pictured left) ran the Bath Half Marathon in support of the Adam Smith Institute. Love the t-shirt, Hunter!

That's right, dear readers, we inspire such devotion and enthusiasm that people are prepared to run for 13 miles just to help fund our efforts to advance free markets and individual liberty.

It is worth reminding readers that even though we give almost all of our work away for free – whether it's this blog, our reports, our student programmes, or admission to our events – it does cost money. In some cases, quite a lot of it.

We don't take government funding. And contrary to popular myth, we don't get very much from big corporates either. So, ultimately, we depend on the generosity of individuals who share our ideals to make everything we do possible.

If you like the work we do, and you want to see us become a bigger, better force for liberty, please consider lending us your support. It's easy – all you need is a credit card!

If you'd like to know more, get in touch with me ( or Sally ( And don't worry – we won't make you run a half marathon unless you really want to!


Government infrastructure spending won't stimulate growth


Every little helps