Professor Kenneth Minogue
Sadly Prof Kenneth Monogue has died. Born in New Zealand and educated in Australia, he taught at the LSE since 1959, eventually being appointed Emeritus Professor of Political Theory. He fought tirelessly and bravely for freedom at a time when it mattered most, and has a huge range of scholarly works to his credit, including "The Liberal Mind," "Nationalism," and "Alien Powers - The Pure Theory of Ideology." He made an important contribution to the understanding of ideologies, and took apart some once-popular ones with forensic skill.
He was a good friend and supporter of the Adam Smith Institute, along with other right-thinking think tanks. We knew him personally for over 35 years and enjoyed his wit and charm as well as his insight. He often attended ASI functions and was widely liked and admired by our members.
He was 82 when he died, having just attended and delivered a paper at a successful conference of the Mont Pelerin Society in the Galapagos Islands, which both Eamonn and I attended. He was a former President of the Society. He remained lively and alert to the end of his life and died quickly and among friends. His shrewd observations and mischievous sense of humour will be much missed.