Letter to The Times: Justifications for HS2 have failed to convince

Dr Madsen Pirie and Dr Eamonn Butler, President and Director of the Adam Smith Institute, co-signed a letter to the Times, calling for "a comprehensive review of the UK’s transport priorities, and where, if at all, HS2 fits with this.

"Sir, There are few more iconic images of the recent storms and the flooding which devastated so many thousands of lives than the Great Western Line at Dawlish collapsing into the sea, cutting off the main rail route to the South West of England.

"This underlines the stark choice in determining priorities for investment in Britain’s transport network — between investment in increasing resilience, developing regional transport connections and relieving the plight of the thousands forced to stand on trains each day, or ploughing ahead with a London-centric high-speed line with a dreadful business case which connects just four cities.

"Successive justifications for HS2 have failed to convince, so its supporters are asserting that the West Coast Mainline is full to capacity and HS2 is needed to relieve it. Yet Network Rail’s latest figures show that intercity trains are running at just 52 per cent full into Euston station at peak times, and that Euston is one of London’s least busy termini.

"With the Treasury predicting that HS2 will cost £73 billion — £1,500 for each adult in Britain — as well as causing huge environmental damage, it is clear that the time has come for a comprehensive review of the UK’s transport priorities, and where, if at all, HS2 fits with this."

Hilary Wharf, HS2 Action Alliance; 
Baroness Bakewell; 
Natalie Bennett, Green Party; 
Sir Keith Bright, ex London Regional Transport; 
Dr Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith Institute
Nigel Farage, UKIP; 
Sir Christopher Foster, Network Rail; 
Jonathan Isaby, TaxPayers’ Alliance; 
Denise Jeffery, Wakefield Council; 
India Knight; 
Ruth Lea, Arbuthnot Banking Group; 
Dr Madsen Pirie, Adam Smith Institute
Mary Portas; 
John Prideaux, Intercity and British Rail; 
Roger Salmon, ex Rail Franchising; 
Alexei Sayle; 
Chris Stokes; ex Strategic Rail Authority; 
Martin Tett, Bucks County Council; 
Sir Andrew Watson, CPRE Warks; 
Sir Barney White-Spunner, Countryside Alliance; 
Baroness Wilkins; 
Paul Wilkinson, The Wildlife Trust

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Bitcoin and the English legal system, part II


Think piece: Bitcoin and the English legal system, Part II