Equal and opposite


The United Kingdom and the United States are both affected by and concerned about the war in Iraq, the credit crises, the housing market, oil prices, globalisation, immigration, and a host of other challenging situations.

Notice some similarities in recent events:

US: A Democrat won one of the safest Republican seats in the House of Representatives last week.

UK: Last week, the Conservatives thumped Labour in the Crewe and Nantwich by-election.

US: “The Republicans [are] busy dying. The brightest of them see no immediate light. They're frozen, not like a deer in the headlights but a deer in the darkness, his ears stiff at the sound. Crunch. Twig. Hunting party." - Peggy Noonan, former Reagan speechwriter, Wall Street Journal columnist, and influential Republican

UK: “The lesson tonight for the Labour Party is that it is change or bust." - John McDonell

US: “[I’ll]… build a coalition for change that stretches through red states and blue states because that's how we'll win in November, and that's how we'll finally meet the challenges that we face as a nation." - Barack Obama

UK: “I want to go on building this broad coalition for change so we can bring our country better government." - David Cameron

I guess it's the political cycle at work!


Blog Review 610


Against hypothecation