Well deserved honour for Michael Howard


The Rt Hon Michael Howard, former Conservative leader, has been given a peerage. It is richly deserved. He served in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Employment, then the Environment, and then Home Secretary. He was elected leader of the Conservative Party late in 2003, and managed to unite it in time to fight a creditable election campaign in 2005, shrinking Labour's majority by over 100, and bringing victory within range. He thus laid the groundwork for the defeat of Labour in the 2010 election.

Michael Howard was an early supporter of Margaret Thatcher, and has been a firm supporter of market economics, which he has always combined with an intuitive understanding of the British constitution and traditions. His training as a QC brought a forensic touch to his House of Commons and ministerial skills, and he has won high praise as an effective administrator.

He has been a good friend of the Adam Smith Institute over the years, always ready to give courteous attention to our proposals, and has been a frequent guest at ASI functions. He was popular at TNG meetings, several of which he attended.

The ASI congratulates Michael Howard on his elevation to the peerage, and wishes him well in his new role.


Capital Gains Tax in the Daily Telegraph


Tax Freedom Day this Sunday