Opportunities for students this spring

2013 is shaping up to be a good year for young fans of liberty. Here are some opportunities available to them.

Free Books for Schools
In October we began sending out books for A‐Level students studying politics, economics and philosophy. By December we mailed out over 1,000 books to Sixth Form students. The books available are listed below, and we can provide up to three copies of each to your school.

Freedom 101 (Free PDF)
Freedom 101 gives answers to 101 common errors made by opponents of free markets and open societies.

A Beginner’s Guide to Liberty (Free PDF)
A short, accessible introduction to liberal ideas from free trade to banking to legalized drugs.

The Condensed Wealth of Nations (Free PDF)
An explanation of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations that uses Smith's own words and explains them for a modern audience, point-by-point, to allow his great ideas to shine through.

Win £500 in our Young Writer on Liberty Competition
If you’re under 21, there is still time to enter our writing competition before the closing date on February 1st. The first prize includes £500 and an internship at the Adam Smith Institute. You can find more information here.

Independent Seminar on the Open Society (ISOS) March Student Conference
The Independent Seminar on the Open Society (ISOS) is a free one-day seminar for sixth-formers, held in London twice a year. This March the conference will focus on free market economics. Topics covered will include:

Limits of knowledge
The benefits of trade
The fallacy of evidence-based policy
The private supply of public goods
Debate: Should we be able to sell our organs?

Students are welcome to attend independently, or with teachers. Refreshments will be provided.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these, do contact us at info@old.adamsmith.org.


EU derision time


How not to start negotiations with the EU