Money & Banking Tim Ambler Money & Banking Tim Ambler

The FCA meddles with investment banks


In June 2014, the Chancellor created a Fair and Effective Markets Review (FEMR) of financial services, co-chaired by the Bank of England, FCA and HM Treasury. The report is due next month but has been widely trailed. Before we see that review, and in an effort to keep itself busy, the FCA has announced a further review covering some of the same ground, the Investment and Corporate Banking Market Study (ICBMS): “We are examining issues around choice of banks and advisers for clients, transparency of the services provided by banks, and bundling and cross-subsidisation of services.” Each of these reviews takes a year and costs you and me hundreds of millions of pounds. The FCA spends around £480m, growing at 6% p.a., and this is their biggest single project. It must cost the industry a similar amount in dealing with the FCA’s 3,000 staff. We consumers pick up the costs: every bill from my stockbroker has a £20 “Compliance charge.” That is hardly a key issue for most electors as they vote on the government every five years, so this unrestrained incubus feeds itself.

This second review is not just duplication: neither should be necessary at all. Both arise from Treasury and FCA failure to understand how markets do and should work – and we now have the Competition and Markets Authority. It was launched only last year and could perfectly well cover financial as well as other services. I would even go so far as to allege that the financial services regulators’ adversarial approach is in part responsible for the scandals. The FSA, and now the FCA, have forced banks to close ranks to deal with what must seem to them a common enemy. As Adam Smith pointed out two and a half centuries ago, putting competitors in the same room is likely to be bad for competition.

The Bank of England, by contrast, used to preside over the sector in the manner of a kindly uncle, nudging potential miscreants away from their misdoing, but not taking on the sector as a whole. Maybe the BoE can recover that role.

The terms of reference of the ICBMS seem to indicate that the FCA suspects clients do not choose their banks and advisers in the way they should, that things are not fully transparent and that cross-subsidy of services is a malpractice.

The first of these is a remarkable suggestion: that the FCA knows how clients should make decisions better than the clients do. Enough said.

On the second, in any market, the products should indeed be fully and accurately described, as the law requires. In the case of manufactured foods, for instance, the labeling requirements are extensive. But the FCA’s brand of “transparency” implies more than just product description: it means revealing everything about the product. If it were applied to oranges, it would require not just the variety, country of origin and the terms of trade proposed, but also the name of the supplier, the date purchased and the price paid by the retailer. Markets do not work this way: competition, along with proper product description, protect buyers by enabling them to compare.

The third implication, that bundling and cross-subsidies are wrong, is the most revealing. When I buy a car, I do not expect to buy all the parts and then have to put them together. I could do that, but bundling the components is far more convenient, and cost efficient, for both parties. And if I make £1 on a dozen oranges but £2 on a dozen pineapples, are my pineapples cross-subsidising the oranges? But then if the oranges sell for 50p each and the pineapples for £2, my margin on oranges is 17% and on pineapples is only 8%. Now the oranges are cross-subsidising the pineapples. Which is the more wicked?

The reality is that every market allows the seller a maximum price whittled down by competition, every seller has different costs, and some things are therefore more profitable than others. The notion of “cross-subsidies” is fantasy.

The FCA’s meddling with financial services adds cost to the sector as a whole, in addition to the growing burden of EU regulation.  And it damages competition through a failure to understand how markets work.  And its antagonistic approach may even be creating a climate where malpractice is more likely.  In short, it is counter-productive.

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Money & Banking, Regulation & Industry Kate Andrews Money & Banking, Regulation & Industry Kate Andrews

Don't kill off the only industry that provides loans for low-earners

Wonga’s decision to write off £220m worth of debt for 330,000 customers and “voluntarily” embrace new regulations will been seen by many as a form of social justice and an obvious defeat for the big, bad, payday-lending wolf. Unfortunately, the Financial Conduct Authority’s attempt to further regulate the payday lending sector may end up harming low-income earners in need of a loan.

But first, we must distinguish between the payday lending industry and Wonga as a specific organization within that industry. Payday lenders offer customers quick and easy access to short-term cash flow. Though anyone with any income size could apply to Wonga for a loan, it is mostly used by people with low-incomes, as such earners struggle to get bank loans and credit cards, and payday loans are often cheaper than using an unauthorized overdraft.

Of course, there are risks associated with payday lending, as “companies are loaning to high-risk demographics, with usually low-income averages and bad credit scores."* In order to stay profitable and protect themselves from bankruptcy, payday lending companies must factor defaults into their interest rates.

These interest rates –especially Wonga’s interest rates – tend to be the target of myths constructed by opponents of payday lending, who are either accidentally or intentionally analyzing the data badly. Most notably, critics attack Wonga for charging its customers close to an astronomical 6,000% interest rate.

That figure, however, comes from a legal quirk in British financial regulations that requires every business to express their interest rates as an annual rate. Wonga’s payday loan interest payments are capped at sixty days, so there is no scenario where anyone could come close to paying Wonga nearly 6,000% APR, as the company is forced to express as it’s annual rate.

Some of the criticisms leveled specifically at Wonga do have merit – indeed, their fake legal letter scandal from this past summer - which threatened customers with legal action if loans weren’t repaid - left everyone feeling uncomfortable with the industry.

Such behavior from any company is unethical, to say the least, and should be met with repercussions. But the FCA’s decision to crackdown on all payday lenders as a result of Wonga's actions will drive almost all payday lenders out of business and leave Wonga to dominate the industry.

From today it has introduced new lending criteria to improve its decisions. That means it will be lending to fewer people and it is unlikely to be the only firm forced to do that, as the FCA said today: "This should put the rest of the industry on notice.

This new lending criteria, coupled with previous regulation tightening – bans on payday advertising in public spaces – and future proposed regulations – like a mandatory cap on costs for all short-term loans – reduces the entire industry’s profitability and forces smaller companies, that would otherwise compete with Wonga, out of the market.

Furthermore, other indirect financial regulations continue to ensure Wonga’s dominance in the loan market. Credit unions could become competitive payday lenders and compete with companies like Wonga, but their interest cap of 3% a month prevents them from properly competing in the market.

Yes, Wonga is facing a 53% fall in annual profits partly as a result of new controls set by the FCA, but other payday lender companies, that don’t have the ethically questionable history of Wonga, are looking to be cut out of the market all together.

Critics of payday loans will be overjoyed to hear that the payday lending industry is on the rocks, but those who actually use its services and benefit from the loans should be worried. Banks and credit card companies have priced these customers out of accessing loans, and with with less payday lenders offering their services to people with low incomes, a lot of people will find themselves with no options, no loan, and no way to pay rent.

While payday lenders are by no means the perfect system to deliver loans to low-income customers, they are currently the only realistic way for such people to get their hands on necessary loans.

*This gal.

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