Even European politics is local


Daniel Hannan blogged about Medway Council's resolution opposing the EU budget hike this week, and suggested that we all ask our local councillors to do the same. Basically, Medway Council has urged its MPs to vote against an increase to the EU budget while the local government block grant is (correctly) being cut – what's the point in making cuts at home if the EU gets some of the savings? It's a good example of the potential of local action to effect national – continental, even – change for the better.

I've written this letter to my local councillors:

Dear Alexander Raubitschek, Nicola Inez Nardelli and Jo-Anne Dora Nadler,

As you might be aware, the government is cutting the block grant for local councils in line with the broader cuts that are being made to government expenditures. You may also be aware that the government plans to increase its expenditure on the European Union.

This week, Medway Council unanimously passed a resolution, backed by Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour councillors, condemning this discrepancy and calling on Medway's MPs to oppose any increase in Britain's contribution to the European Union. The text of the resolution can be found here (698B): http://democracy.medway.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=2138

I suggest you move a similar resolution at the next possible Wandsworth Borough Council session. Thank you in advance for your efforts.

Yours sincerely,

Sam Bowman

Feel free to use this as a template, though we'll have more impact if we're seen to be acting individually. You can use WriteToThem.com to find out who your local councillors are and contact them directly. If you do, let me know in the comments, and if your council passes a resolution like this, let Daniel know at the Direct Democracy site.


Something for the weekend...


And you thought the smoking ban was bad!