Miles Saltiel

Miles Saltiel is the CEO of the Fourth Phoenix Company which provides policy, research and associated services to banks, industry and others. His recent publications include Seeing the wood for the trees, which evaluated the Forestry Commission’s place in modern Britain; The revenue and growth effects of Britain’s high taxes, (with Peter Young), which presented cross-country and cross-period analyses of tax reform; Bank regulation: can we trust the Vickers report? (with Tim Ambler), which analysed the report of the Independent Banking Commission and made counter-proposals; On borrowed time, which argued for the reform of “age-related” expenditures to relieve otherwise insupportable fiscal pressure; and No reason to flinch, which argued against insulating the NHS from reform by comparing it to equivalent regimes internationally.

Miles read PPE at Oxford and wrote his MA dissertation on Japanese business and government at Sussex. In 1979, he joined GEC-Marconi, working in corporate finance and recoveries, to become no. 2 in Marconi Projects. In 1986 he went into investment banking, joining the WestLB Group in 1996 as Head of Equity Research, Emerging Markets. In 1998, he assumed responsibility for London-based Tech Research, and in 2000 was voted one of the UK’s top 50 in the New Economy, in 2002 becoming the senior tech banker at the WestLB group.

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The results are in: Spending cuts, not tax hikes, are the road to recovery


No, Brendan Barber, the economy is not a sporting event